On August 10, 1979, UN Ambassador John Bolton’s nephew, Greg T Dixon, a Masonic High school friend and informant deeply connected with Freemasonry, along with fellow Jewish LWHS classmate Rob Tavis and myself, were all getting stoned while enjoying the hot summer day jumping off an old abandoned Kirkland ferryboat docket at the water’s edge of the Seattle Seahawks training camp (at the time) near Houghton beach in Kirkland, Washington.
According to Dixon (as explained in 1998) a Seahawks team photographer was out taking photos of the Seahawks players during a practice session when they noticed us jumping off the old abandoned ferryboat in the distance.
Dixon said this is when the Seahawks personal team photographer, a Jew, turned his attention away from the players and rolled off a bunch of shots, capturing the above photo of me jumping off the side of the old dilapidated ferryboat into lake Washington.
On the very next day, Saturday, August 11, 1979, I encountered a Jewish Journal American newspaper delivery boy at the door of my family’s farmhouse. When I confronted him about being on our very private lot, he threw a rolled-up Journal American newspaper at my feet, and gave me a look as though it had some significance pertaining directly to me, right before offering up a subscription service as cover.
How in the hell, could Jews at the Journal American possibly know it was me jumping off the ferryboat the previous day?
By proxy, it’s quite evident; Jews are up my ass – in knowing my daily activities.

Rob Tavis Google Search Result:
According to Dixon, Rob Tavis and Tavis Smiley are very closely related.
Rob Tavis, an elite Jew insider, Dixon said, is working in coordination with Obama’s Obamacare in ripping off goy clients whom he insures.
Dixon said his relative, Tavis Smiley, was born an illegitimate son of the Jewish Tavis family, where as a young child he got his name from constantly “smiling” amongst his Jewish Tavis family relatives.
Dixon said that “Smiley,” being negro, and from Mississippi, was not allowed use of his Jewish biological father’s surname, nor any other legitimate public recognition within the Jewish Tavis family genetic gene pool.
From Wikipedia:
Tavis Smiley was born in Gulfport, Mississippi, the son of Joyce Marie Roberts, a single woman who first became pregnant at age 18.[4] On September 13, 1966, just shy of his second birthday, his mother married Emory Garnell Smiley, a non-commissioned officer in the U.S. Air Force.[5] It would not be until a few years later that Tavis would learn the identity of his biological father, whom he identifies in his autobiography, What I Know For Sure: My Story of Growing Up in America, only as “T”.[6]
What I Know For Sure: My Story of Growing Up in America, only as “T” – Tavis Smiley
Smiley was born to an 18-year old mother, Joyce Marie Roberts, in Gulfport, Mississippi on September 13th 1964. It was only after several years that he met his biological father whose identity he maintains hidden from the public. – 10 things you may not know about Tavis
Hidden, because “Smiley” was born through an illegitimate relationship stemming from his negro mother working essentially as a housekeeping slave for his elite Jewish father in Mississippi.
Dixon said this is the real reason his biological father’s identity remains hidden, and why while growing up he was only ever referred to publicly as “T” or “Smiley”.
In fact, the only two names his Jewish relatives ever called him, to cover up the fact he was born in essence through the sexual exploitaton of his negro slave housekeeping mother.
To further solidify the “Smiley” surname, given him by his paternal Jewish Tavis family father, arraignments were made for another negro, Emory Garnell Smiley, a non-commissioned officer in the U.S. Air Force, to marry Tavis Smiley’s mother, Joyce Marie Roberts, effectively legitimizing “Smiley’s” preordained existence.
Thus, concurrently covering up all genetic linage and potential criminal procreation for all intents and purposes regarding the origins of Tavis Smiley.
And currently, why Tavis Smiley’s biological father’s identity remains hidden to this very day.
“Travis was named among America’s 50 Most Promising Young Leaders in 1994 and among the 100 Most Influential People in the World in 2009 by Time Magazine.” – 10 things you may not know about Tavis
Dixon said fellow Lake Washington High school classmate Rob Tavis and his Jewish family all want me dead, and by proxy, why he had me jumping off the abandoned Kirkland ferryboat, where deadheads left over from the original wooden pier dock lie just below the surface, which were scouted so Tavis knew exactly where to jump.

A Man for All Seasons