As Freemasonry companion to Jewish US Senators 2016, this article posts all non-Jewish US Senators of 2016, or the Masonic side of the Senate.
To understand the Masonic Jewish Illuminati agenda see Jewish US Senators 2016, which will be the same here because Jews control Freemasonry (i.e. the kabbalah for goys), where both Jews and Masons are striving to achieve a New World Order (NWO) agenda, which consists of killing off the entire Sumerian Aryan heredity – Lucifer’s father’s (Anu) favored ruling conservative race, and thus his son’s nemesis.
“Basically, I estimate that about seventy percent of the present crisis on this planet can be fairly attributed to the machinations of (Jewish) Neanderthal-Semitic elements of the human population against the (Aryan) Cro-Magnon majority of the human population.” – Michael Bradley
The two, are creations of different species as Jack Harper has further documented in the article below.
They Are Not Like Us — by Jack Harper
Like with Jews, Masons also consist of Neanderthal genome (Pharaohs), where both bred with Lucifer and his fallen angels creating the Nephilim, who all together set out to “free mankind” (non-Aryans) from the bondage of Anu’s favored conservative Sumerian Aryan race – by killing them off completely.
“Thus, the “creator god,” Zeus (Anu or Yahweh of the Old Testament) wants to keep mankind in bondage to him and his “natural laws” which he has set up, but a rebel figure, Prometheus (Lucifer) befriends man and brings him the means to effect his freedom. That is, the Great Rebel brings man the means to become as one of the gods: “ye shall be as gods” (Gen. 3:5)” – Overlords of Chaos
Pharaoh hieroglyphs and stone carvings show the Nephilim with elongated heads, since driven under or bred-out into more uniform shape, but like the Neanderthals, still significantly different from Cro-Magnon shaped skulls in the Aryan population originating from the Sumerian race, created by Anunnaki god Anu (Yahweh).

In “freeing mankind” under a NWO endgame, all Aryan Masons are simply dupes who do not understand that it is a total Aryan kill, i.e. the New World Order is (and always has been) turning away from Anu and his conservative Sumerian race of ‘Aryan conservatives’ in order to free mankind from its ‘slave bondage’ old world order.
Further, because of previous purebred Aryans like Noah (of the Ark), the elite are seeking a total Aryan genocide to keep Anu from rebuilding the Aryan race after ‘the flood.’
Moreover, why this time round all Aryans must be killed, otherwise the great nemesis Nibiru will simply pole-shift earth again as it does every 3,600 years, flooding out humanity right before Anu rebuilds his favored Aryan conservative race using the best found purebred surviving Aryan genetics from the flood – an historic pattern Jews are attempting to stop from being repeated, by exterminating all Aryans before Nibiru’s fast approaching return – using WWIII.
With the final act being the false flag nuking of Israel, where Aryan Iran, under Jewish Ayatollah and Masonic Shah leadership, is working with the NWO globalist to make it appear as though Iran will have nuked Israel and will be immediately retaliated upon when Israel calls ‘Samson’ on the world, including Aryan Europe, Russia, and the US, right before killing off America’s remaining Aryans in FEMA death camps under martial law – with a little help from China under use of Jade Helm – in a globalist plan that trades a Jewish eugenics pogrom for Aryan genocide worldwide.
Eugenicide: False Flag Nuking of Israel
This is the agenda on both sides of the Jew/Masonic Neanderthal Senate, and currently what is taking place in the Middle East, with US funded Sunni Jihadist Neanderthals killing Aryan Cro-Magnon Shiites everywhere – Now moving into Europe and the West, for which there is no escape, except maybe Aryan Trump and a handful of Aryan Senators waking up in time to stop the influx of jihadist and ensuing mayhem, otherwise leading to an Aryan genocide after Israel is false flag nuked off the map.
“We can still remember the smell of Auschwitz and Treblinka, next time we’ll take all of you with us.” – Israeli Official
Should the collective goyim ever come to realize the fact that Sabbataian Jews are a different race (species), it would be overwhelmingly evident it has been them and their lackey Masons all along, who throughout history have been on an all out genocidal assault against humanity by means of hunting down the Aryan race.
The source for this information is John Bolton’s nephew, Greg T Dixon, a Masonic High school friend and informant deeply connected with Freemasonry.

50 Masonic (non-Jewish) US Senators, according to Dixon, Serving Lucifer under the Guise of Representing America in 2016:

A Man for All Seasons
Senator Michael Bennett is Jewish.
He may be part Jewish but I don’t see it.
women are not permitted to join the masons. they join the eastern star which is presided over by a master mason 3rd degree.
Why do nearly all these people look like weird, distorted circus freaks?