JEW WAR: Moscow Murders Likely Racially Motivated December 31, 2022 Four Aryan students were murdered by Jewish suspect with criminal psychology degree from WSU. All four murder victims were ARYAN. The suspect is JEWISH….
Jewish Elite Despise Russia for Being EUROPEAN March 1, 2022 The people, culture, and much of the architecture of Russia undeniably is European. Russia, like the rest of Europe, has always been a target…
Is Covid Vax Race Specific Bioweapon? November 30, 2021 It appears the covid vaccine is disproportionately targeting Aryans for heart attack and death at lighting speed. The big secret behind the mass vaccination…
Nibiru, Lockdowns, Project Blue Beam August 31, 2021 Top level source claims Nibiru exist while the pandemic is fake. By now most everyone knows 9/11 was an inside job designed to destabilize…
Jews Recruit Aryan Soldiers to Fight Suicidal Wars May 31, 2021 Aryan soldiers are being pawned-off on both sides in Jew wars aimed to facilitate their own genocide. For centuries, divide & conquer has been…
Jews Secretly Call Biden ‘White Trash’ April 30, 2021 Behind the scenes Leftist Jews reveal how truly they despise Biden According to John Bolton’s nephew, Greg T Dixon, a Masonic High School friend and…
Merrick Garland Jewish Bloodline Connection to Walt Disney, Theodor Herzl and Adam Schiff February 28, 2021 Mr. false flag (MG) is closely related to Jews Walt Disney, Zionist Theodor Herzl, and Marxist congressman Adam Schiff – All of the same…
Credit Card Chip Readers Swipe User’s DNA February 2, 2018 Credit cards using EMV digital chip reading smart card technology are subject to having DNA swiped from the card, digitally analyzed and fed into…
Jews Killed JFK over Samson Option November 22, 2017 Israel Killed JFK, Says Vanunu: “In a startling accusation, nuclear whistleblower Mordechai Vanunu has alleged that Jerusalem was behind the assassination of US President…
Top Jew Threatens to Kill Aryans August 31, 2015 Leon Kos (above) was born the favorite son of California’s most prominent Jew. The top people rule from behind the scenes. In recent past,…