Jewish Bellevue Judge Steiner Plots to Infect ‘Thai Tom’ with HIV/AIDS January 3, 2014 According to John Bolton’s nephew, Greg T Dixon, a Masonic High School friend and informant deeply connected to Freemasonry, Bellevue district court Judge David…
SNAP: Supplemental NWO Assistance Program October 30, 2013 The acronym sums it up. People are going to snap when they find out their food stamps have been drastically cut back or, when…
Sen. Ted Cruz Related to Jewish Actor Bill Murray October 11, 2013 Believe it or not, Senator Rafael Edward “Ted” Cruz and famed actor Bill Murray are very closely related to each other. Undeniably, both have…
Evidence Tampering: Attorney Leon Kos Breaks into Home, Steals Wooden Scroll August 31, 2013 About a decade ago, NBC King 5 news anchor Lori Matsukawa reported on how people who possess “wooden scrolls’ with legal documents attached, are…
Ominous TIME Cover Foretells Obama Assassination May 27, 2013 I cannot express thoroughly enough how the grey border symbolic message conveyed on this cover of Time magazine implicates the planned assassination of president…
Boston Marathon False Flag Bombing Preempted on Court Record in 2007 April 22, 2013 On August 17th of 2007, I was summoned to appear before a Bellevue, Washington courtroom of law, where I verbally testified before an Aryan…
Jewish Island County Sheriff Mark C Brown Runs, Over Aryan Man April 9, 2013 Current Island County Sheriff Mark C Brown has been serving the communities of Whidbey and Camano Island as Sheriff since 2007. I moved to…
The Hegelian Dialectic: How Jews Subvert Aryan Philosophy to Manipulate the World March 12, 2013 Jews constantly exploit Hegelian Dialectic’s to manipulate the world. Here’s how it’s done. The Hegelian Dialectic is comprised of three essential factors: Thesis, Antithesis…
Does Obama’s Exploding Fist Bump Symbolize Israel’s Imminent Destruction? March 7, 2013 [youtube] All warning signs point to Israel being used as a false flag to destroy Europe and the Middle East starting WW…
Maleng Murdered: Satterberg, Sherman Rig 2008 KC Prosecutors Race January 20, 2013 SEATTLE, WA — Norm Maleng served as King County prosecutor for 28 years, winning seven elections straight, starting in 1966 up until his death…
Moon Landing Faked: Monkey Shriveled January 17, 2013 How is it computer, satellite, rover and space station technologies soar, while NASA‘s “man to the moon” technology sits on its ass? As we…
Senator Slade Gorton’s Crypto Sister December 28, 2012 Jewish Washington State Senator Slade Gorton (III) descend from a long heritage in the Seafood and fish packing business. In fact, his grandfather, Slade…
Mike Metteer’s Nepotistic Family Incest at the City of Kirkland December 4, 2012 I attended high school with current city of Kirkland Parks Manager Mike Metteer. Around 1987, just four years after high school Mike Metteer obtained…
Barbara Walters Targets Arafat and Castro with Radiation Poisoning November 30, 2012 Barbara Walters, who is Jewish, was secretly poisoning both Arafat and Castro, both who are Jewish as well, by putting trace amounts of radioactive…
Alaska Senator Stevens Assassination was Staged ‘Plane Crash’ October 30, 2012 Alaska Senator Ted Stevens was the longest-serving Republican senator in US history, serving from 1968 until January 2009. Senator Stevens was killed [Assassinated] on…
Currency Wars: Death to Almighty Dollar October 22, 2012 “The Almighty Dollar” they claim, the one you currently are working ever so securely to hold in your possession is actually nothing other than…
Evidence CBS KIRO 7 Anchor Steve Raible is a Patsy-Shill June 28, 2012 SEATTLE, WA — On 30 May 2012, KIRO 7 news Anchor Steve Raible, acting genuinely and earnestly in delivering the eleven o’clock news broadcast,…
Issaquah City Administrator Leon Kos Rapes Daughter June 22, 2012 Jewish city of Issaquah administrator Leon Kos (left) outed by his wife for raping their 5-year-old daughter, caused fear and panic to all informed of this…
European Missile Defense System: Truly Offensive May 28, 2012 The European Missile Defense System has got to be one of the most insidious US perpetrated acts of deception ever concealed in the history…
Military Helicopter Fly-By 100’ Over Whidbey Island Home Hours after Posting Article Exposing Alex Jones as Infowar Imposter May 25, 2012 On May 24th 2012 at around 10pm Pacific Time a thunderous military helicopter roared just 100 feet over my home on Whidbey Island, Washington. …
City of Issaquah Administrator Leon Kos Sits on Pound of Marijuana May 21, 2012 City administrator Leon Kos (left) has worked in “serving the public” for the past thirty-three years as the second highest ranking official in Issaquah…
Jew Leon Kos Threatens Lives of Entire Aryan Family May 8, 2012 City of Issaquah Administrator Leon Kos, an elite Jew, is not who he claims to be in his public persona portrayed by the local…
Susan Hutchison Targets Husband for Aryan Genocide April 30, 2012 SEATTLE, WA — CBS Kiro 7’s Susan Hutchison has co-Anchored the local Seattle news channel for many years, up until an employment dispute in…
FEMA Camp Democide: Hollow Point Bullet to Back-of-the-Head April 12, 2012 The US Government, through the Department of Homeland Security, has recently purchased 450 million hollow point bullets. The population of America roughly stands at…
Kathy & Leon Kos Conspire to Kill Own Aryan Child Doug Ferry March 31, 2012 Whilst living at a University of Washington student housing neighborhood around 1970, my family was introduced to Doug Ferry during the course of my…
Eugenicide: False Flag Nuking of Israel February 22, 2012 Embedded within the Global Power Elite’s “final solution” passed down from generation to generation with ever increasing evolutionary ferocity, lies a sinister plot that…
Is Obama Going to ‘FAKE ONE’ for Gun Control? January 20, 2012 John R Bolton’s nephew, Greg T Dixon, a Masonic High school friend and informant deeply connected with Freemasonry, explained to me in 1998 how…
GPE False Flag Nuking of DNC: Vaporizing Blacks and Women off Future Presidential Ticket January 13, 2012 Posturing on the apex of the elitist pyramid sits a rogue group of “super-elites” wielding all power throughout the cultural world… a culture they…