By now almost everyone is aware of the sorted history residing in Newtown, Connecticut.
According to my source, Newtown is controlled by the top people involved with MK-Ultra mind control.
I’m told the top people systematically and routinely perform the practice of satanic pedophilia as means of obtaining shamanistic-style black magic used to rule over the masses.
Satanic pedophilia is a progeny of Aleister Crowley’s “tried and true” sex magic mantras, claiming powerful energy is gained from “engaging” a child’s sexuality.
The elites employ this universal sexual energy, known as Orgone, to extensively expand their supernatural “black magic” satanic ability to divert the masses from reality using mind control.
The elite practice of demonizing children’s sexuality in satanic form, is said to keep the masses sexually repressed and dumb-down, thus rendering them unable to fight-back against this satanic despotism, through gaining of any genuine sexual energy themselves.
Tesla’s free energy devices, just as with all free energy in nature, is derived from Orgone, which can be manufactured through the practice of sexuality, as German Wilhelm Reich extensively documented in his life works.
Orgone energy is a hypothetical universal life force originally proposed in the 1930s by Wilhelm Reich.[1][2][3] In its final conception, developed by Reich’s student Charles Kelly after Reich’s death, Orgone was conceived as the anti-entropic principle of the universe, a creative substratum in all of nature comparable to Mesmer‘s animal magnetism, the Odic force of Carl Reichenbach and Henri Bergson‘s élan vital.[4] – Wikipedia
According to my source, John Bolton’s nephew, Greg Dixon, a Masonic High school friend and informant deeply connected with Freemasonry, the Sandy Hook shootings actually involved a ploy to steal the school children for MK-Ultra brainwashing under the elites own personal “sex magic” practices, as means to further gun control.
Whereby, the parents of Sandy Hook fully consented to ‘sacrificing‘ their own children to elites for the specific purpose of MK-Ultra sex magic mind-control. Later, to be used against the unsuspecting public in yet another false flag event, similar to the one MK-Ultra patsy victim Adam Lanza was just recently scapegoated.

Dixon said Fairfield University (below), located about 20 miles from Newtown, had been used extensively by elite Jews to organized and carry out systematic sexual MK-Ultra mind-control techniques on patients housed at Fairfield Hills Mental Hospital.

German Psychoanalyst Wilhelm Reich was ultimately murdered by elite Jews for simply linking sexuality to Orgone energy. Prior, Reich continued to document this evidence, which he supplied to the public even after having received numerous death threats from the Jewry. Reich was eventually killed in prison to silence his research.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPV-JExUPns&w=420&h=315]
Orgone quite possibly is the single most important tool available to humanity in undoing the elite reign of terror we all live under.
The Jewry has already killed to keep it secret and they do not want you to know about it.
Newtown, Connecticut is a major stronghold of the top power elite seeking a New World Order.
The prominent “Fine Homebuilding” magazine publisher, Taunton Press, is based in Newtown.
The name Taunton also happens to be a city in Massachusetts, where conditions are reported to be very bad. Dixon says these conditions are purposely made so by the top people… and precisely why elite Jews at Taunton Press chose the name “Taunton” for their publication.
Below are the top responses from Urban Dictionary’s definition of ‘taunton’:
Where your dreams never come true. it’s full of lost hope. if your not leaving after high school im sure your not going to. the roads suck, every inch you go is another pothole. it has the highest dropout rate around […]
AKA T-Town. One of the oldest, coldest, and crappiest cities south of Boston. The roads suck, the buildings suck, the people suck. We have the Weir which is just the T-Town ghetto where convenience stores are robbed weekly. Morton Hospital which is terrible and more people die there than oversees. – Urban Dictionary
Conditions the elite create are further usurped when “Taunton Press” is picked by a Jewish publisher as their namesake solely to embody the crypto-meaning hidden within.
According to Dixon, Taunton Press is “taunting me with death” – having in 1984 photographed me working construction and later publishing the photo on the front cover of their “fiftieth-edition” of their Fine Homebuilding magazine.

However, like most things the elite control, Dixon said the number “50” contains an ancient death-threat numerology innuendo, which lies in the significance and motivation behind the 50th edition issue above.
A death-threat innuendo numeric sequence derived from ancient numerology, where the number 9 represents the act of dying or pre-death.
Zero represent actual death itself, or having gone to “heaven,” (therefore, represents both death and“god” simultaneously).
And 1 represents rebirth or reincarnation.
Simply Put; 9=dying, 0=death/God, 1=rebirth/reincarnation.
Numerology said to hold true for all numbers ending in 9, 0, or 1.
Including the number 50 = death.
Thus, the same numerology used on 911, aimed to subvert “god” – bypassing the number 0.
According to Dixon, the elite Jewry believe metaphysically, intellectually, and genetically, one of the last hopes for the Aryan race to come together and mount a renaissance of some sort… thus turning the tide of our impending Aryan Cro-Magnon extinction being facilitated at the hands of Jewish Neanderthals and their Masonic Neanderthal brethren, lies in my bloodline.
This would also explain the relentless and systematic targeting by Sayanim tribal cabalistic Neanderthal Jews – out to genocide the entire Aryan Cro-Magnon race.
Just as carried out previously during the Crusades, the Plagues, the Civil War, WWI, WWII, and virtually all other wars and atrocities committed against Aryans of all skin colors over the course of history.
Where, all the best Aryan Cro-Magnon genetics have already been systematically removed from existence.
The very definition of their NWO… where Aryans no longer reside.
A New World Order currently being achieve through Crowley-satanism and MK-Ultra mind control, used to suppress natural Orgone energy, thus furthering the intellectual divide through cognitive dissonance.
Where under this Jewish mind control, a false reality can be created in which European Aryans, who do all the fighting and dying, are told they are heroes for killing their fellow ethnic Aryan “enemies” – only to further Jewish dominance and likelihood a NWO will be obtained, rendering them at best, future slaves to their Jewish masters.

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A Man for All Seasons
I have information on an atrocity/tragedy that was averted-(easily)-that would have gained national attention, during the months of Oct/nov in thru march of 2012…on Whidbey island. Perpetrated by whom? Thats what ive been trying to figure out…names were mentioned in November that only gained prominence & notoriety in dec of 2012.
Off island perpetrators?….or on island?….both possibly? Its just that certain people either here on island, or off island wanted & were prompting 24 hours a day that a horrific event happen to the good people of Whidbey island for their own profit, both financially & politically. Its nohing short of domestic terrorism-for it meets the dictionary definition.
If interested, – or not-for its dangerous information to publicize. Maybe you know someone who would? You have my contact info.
Enjoy your Thanksgiving. This is not a joke of any sort.