The arrival of Nibiru activated a bioweapon release and vaccination depopulation ‘CAPS’ program by the Deep State, before mass awakening –
Nibiru, the 12th planet in our solar system, also known as Planet X, Nemesis, The Destroyer, Wormwood, Hercolubus and Planet of Crossing – Is expected near year 2021.
The source for this information is John Bolton’s nephew, Greg T Dixon, a Masonic High school friend and informant deeply connected with Freemasonry.
Nibiru, Kobe Bryant, Depopulation
According to Dixon, Kobe Bryant is a top-level Mason fully aware of Nibiru’s imminent return. Whereby, he made a Nike commercial depicting its reappearance (along with the Anunnaki).
Kobe ‘Black Mamba’ Nike Commercial:
Dixon said Kobe does not want to participate in the round up of citizens to be put into FEMA (death) camps before the return of Nibiru, and therefore decided to fake his death in a helicopter crash right before the roundup.
In 1998, it was explained by Dixon how the elite want to use a virus to depopulate the planet, but are afraid to use a KNOWN existing plague virus due to the fact it would be traced back to bio weapons labs they control.
AIDS: Man-made Bioweapon Created by Jew Run US Military Industrial Complex
Therefore, they plan on using an existing virus currently NOT known to cause pandemic death, they could claim evolved into a plague virus on its own.
Interestingly, there has been an outbreak virtually every election year since 1998, in preparation for such an event.
Same psyop, different year.
Dixon was born and raised in Kirkland, Washington, the epicenter of the U.S. coronavirus outbreak, and location of the Life Care Center where it first appeared, where Dixon said he personally knows the directors of the facility.
The city of Kirkland is a Jewish controlled municipality in a Blue (Jew) State full of corruption. Dixon has family who are Kirkland police officers, Deep State operatives, prosecutors and judges in the corrupted [King] county.
In 1998, Dixon said the staff at the Life Care Center in Kirkland, claim they can cause the death of residents simply by the way they treat them while in their care at the facility, and that public liaison, “Tim Killian,” could direct that to happen when required.
As is reported, the coronavirus started in China, where Dixon said the city of Wuhan is populated majorly by Asian Aryans.
Masonic Mao and U.S. Marxist Commie Bolsheviks (consisting of U.S. Jews via Rothschild) colluded in the 50s to bring forth Aryan intellectuals under Mao’s Great Leap Forward – Hundred Flowers Campaign.
The U.S. Jewish led plan purposely killed 45 million in four years – of Aryan Chinese inteligencia – on the way to over 80 million.
Fast forward to Wuhan, and again there’s endless video evidence of Chinese authorities targeting Aryan citizens for forced removal, who appear otherwise to be healthy – under Xi Jinping’s Aryan Genocide 2.0.
Another video of #China residents very happily going to admit themselves at the new state of the art hospital in #Wuhan. Nothing out of the ordinary here. Everything is under control. #coronavirus
— Anfield_king (@Anfield_king) February 7, 2020
The mass hysteria being implemented by the Chinese state using ‘Smoke and Mirrors’ through mass spraying of the city of Wuhan, was a Magick production to scare the West, where the virus will be heading next, needed for obtaining maximum psychological impairment on the affluent and well-armed American populous.
I don’t get it. What exactly are they spraying? At that rate, wouldn’t their backpacks be empty in minutes? Why are they ten men deep? Why are they spraying the empty road, when it’s people who have the virus? Is this all just propaganda?
— Ezra Levant 🍁🚛 (@ezralevant) March 7, 2020
This video supports the view that it is an airborne virus.
— Henry Makow (@HenryMakow) February 12, 2020
Currently, crematoriums in Wuhan continue to run nonstop, producing a large quantity of urns and thick smoke throughout the city. “Wuhan reported only about 2,500 coronavirus deaths, but 5,000 urns were delivered to one mortuary.”
China secretly rounding up Aryans is likely behind the 22 million missing cellphone accounts, as well.
Just like with Mao in the 50s, the U.S. Deep State has again teamed-up with China via Xi Jinping to exterminate Aryans, only this time, China’s military will be entering the U.S. under Jade Helm, the joint military agreement between China and the United States, where China’s One Child Policy has created a male dominated society that leaves soldiers in the military bitter due to the shortage of available women, for which they blame the U.S. previously implementing.
The plan is to impose Martial Law on Americans over the coronavirus pandemic, then when things get out of hand call in China’s massive military of sexually frustrated soldiers to help quash dissent – where Aryans, nemesis of the elite, will be exterminated nationwide.
The operation will be run from the Cheyenne Mountain Complex in Colorado, Dixon said.
“In the video at the link below, starting around the 15:20, Bill Gates is calling for only people who have a vaccination certificate to be allowed to travel.
This is the exact plan Dixon laid-out in 1998, with Bill Gates leading the effort through his tax free foundation.
Apparently, Gates got caught in India for the same thing he is currently attempting to do to Americans nationwide.
India To Prosecute Bill Gates For Using Tribal Children To Conduct Illegal Vaccine
1930s German Propaganda Archive Julius Streicher and Vaccinations (Aryan child being “inoculated” by Jewish doctor).
“Well, guess what the Israelis say about their vaccine, “Let’s call it pure luck.
Denmark Passes Law Enabling Forced Coronavirus Vaccinations.
This is why elites like Tom Hanks and Prince Charles have already come down with the virus, now they won’t need the vaccine and can travel freely around the world advocating for worldwide vaccinations.
— Tom Hanks (@tomhanks) March 13, 2020
“Invisible Quantum Dot Tattoos could be used to ID vaccinated?”
The vaccine is in fact likely to be the kill shot – via

A Man for All Seasons
Kirkland is controlled by Jews? Doesn’t surprise me.
See my book Jew Flu: The Coronavirus Conspiracy @ One interesting connections is Intellectual Ventures, a Bellevue establishment run by a Jew who used to be one of Microsoft’s top dogs.
I’ll have much more to say about Jewarchy (Jewish corruption) in some forthcoming books.